Bridge of Spey (2) (The)
X:1 T:Bridge of Spey [2], The M:C L:1/16 R:Strathspey B:John Gow – A Favorite Collection of Slow Airs, B:Strathspeys and Reels (London, c. 1804, p. 1) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Amin g2|Ta3ge2a2 gee2 a4|Te3dg3d Te3de2g2|Ta3ge2a2 gee2 a4| (gab2) G3A TB2A2A2::B2|Aa3ca3 Aa3 e4|d3eB3e d2G2 edcB| Aa3ca3 Aa3 e4|g2G2G2A2 B2A2A2::g2|eA3Te3d e2A2A2g2| BG3TB3A B2G2G2g2|eA3Te3d e2A2A2g2|GG3 G3A B2A2A2:| |:a2-|a2A2A2a2- a2A2A2g2|g2G2G2A2 TB3AG2a2|a2A2A2a2 a2A2A2g2|g2G2G2A2 B2A2A2:|