T:Shepherds of Yarrow, The
B:Oswald – Caledonian Pocket Companion, Book V (1760, p. 12)
Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion
EG|A3c (A/G/E/G/)|{G}A2A2 (c/d/e/f/)|g3e (d/e/d/c/)|G3e Td>c|
A3G (A/G/E)|(DE)(GA)(cd)|e2 (g<e) T(d>c)|A4:|
|:(ef)|g3a (c’a)|{a}g3e (g/e/d/c/)|c2 (d/c/d/e/) c’a|g4 eg|a2b2 c’b|
{b}a3g e2|{e}d3 c (d/e/g)|{g}a4 eg|f2f2 f/g/a|(g<e) e2 (dc)|
(d/c/d/e/) (ge)(dc)|G4 (e/d/c)|A3c (A/G/E)|(DE)(GA)(cd)|e3d (e/d/c)|A4:|]
SHEPHERDS OF YARROW, THE. Scottish, Slow Air (3/4 time). A Minor. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB. The tune was claimed by cellist-composer biography:John Oswald in the index to his Caledonian Pocket Companion. Yarrow is a place and parish in the Scottish Borders in the former county of Selkirkshire, formed around the river valley of the Yarrow Water.
Some sixty years following Oswald's publication Sir Walter Scott thought to sponsor a Borders sporting match:
Sheep and Shepherd, by James Walsham
It was at Carterhaugh that the famous game of ball was played in 1815 between the shepherds of Yarrowwearing the heather, and the 'souters' or townsmen of Selkirk wearing twigs of pine. Sir Walter Scotttook the liveliest interest in getting up the contest. A party of distinguished persons came to witness it,and the banner of Buccleuch, which had not been unfurled for nearly two hundred years, was borne about thefield at the opening of the game by Sir Walter's son. Unfortunately the Selkirk men thought they were notfairly treated and the game, which began with so much enthusiasm and mirth, resulted in a deep and prolongedill-feeling between the routers and the shepherds, which all Sir Walter's efforts, combined with his greatpopularity, could not quite allay.[1]
Additional notes
Source for notated version: -
Printed sources : - John Oswald (Caledonian Pocket Companion, Book V), 1760; p. 12. Seattle (Scottish Airs for Pairs), 2006.