Wilt Thou be My Dearie
X:1 T:Wilt thou be my Dearie M:C L:1/8 B:James Aird – Selection of Scotch, English, Irish and Foreign Airs, vol. 5 B:(Glasgow, 1797, No. 151, p. 53) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G D|G<DE<D G2D2|G>A{GA}BG BAA>B|G>DE>D G2D2| G>ABB BB B2|A>GAB e3g|d>e{e}dc/B/ eAA>B| G>DE>D G2D2|e>ded/B/ d>BA>B|G>DE>D G2D||
X: 1
O: 1806
B: "Caledonian Musical Repository", 1806, p.58-60
F: http://digital.nls.uk/special-collections-of-printed-music/pageturner.cfm?id=87661539
Z: 2013 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: C
L: 1/8
K: G
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
G> D E> D G2 D> D | G> A {G A} B
w: Wilt thou be my dear-ie, When sor-row wrings
G B A A> B | G> D E D G2 D2 |
w: they gen-tle heart, O wilt thou let me cheer thee?
%page 59
G> A B B B B B> B | A> G A B
w: By the trea-sure of my soul, And that's the love I
e2 e g | d> e {e}d (c/B/) e A A> B |
w: bear thee, I swear and vow that* on-ly thou Shalt
G> D E D G2 D> D | e> d e (d/B/)
w: e-ver be my dea-rie: I swear and vow that*
d> B A> B | G> D E D G2 D2 |]
w: on-ly thou Shalt e-ver by my dear-ie.
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
W:2. Lassie, say thou loes me;
W: And if thou winna be my ain,
W: O say na thou'll refuse me.
W: If it manna, canna be,
W: That thou for thine may choose me,
W: Then let me, Jeanie, quickly die,
W: Ay trusting that thou loes me.
W:3. Flower of beauties, hear me,
W: And dinna treat me wi' disdain;
W: A' ither ills I fear na,
W: Gin thou wad only smile on him
W: Could part wi' life to please thee;
W: Of joys on earth I'll ask nae mair,
W: Gin thou wilt be my dearie.
% %sep 2 8 500
X: 1
Q: "Largo"
%R: strathspey, air
B: "Edinburgh Repository of Music" v.2 p.13 #2
F: http://digital.nls.uk/special-collections-of-printed-music/pageturner.cfm?id=87776133
Z: 2015 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
M: C
L: 1/16
K: A
A3E F3E (A3E) E2 zE | A3B (dc)(BA) c2B2 (Bd)(cB) |\
A3E F3E (A3E) E4 :|
A3B c2c2 c2c2 {Bcd}c4 | {c}B3A B2ce f4 f2ga |\
{f}e3f (fe)(dc) f2B2 (Bd)(cB) | A3E F3E (A3c/B/ A4) :|
X: 1
T:Wilt Thou Be My Dearie
C:arr. Carlo Minasi
B:Chappell's One Hundred Scotch Melodies
B:Arranged for the Concertina by Carlo Minasi
Q:"Andantino "1/4=100
Z:Peter Dunk 2012
!p!(G>DE>D)|L([G2B,2] [DB,]z/D/)|(G>A c/B/A/G/)|\
([BG][AF]) ([A/F/][c/A/][B/G/][A/F/])|\
(G>DE>D)|(L[G2B,2] [DB,])z|
[GB,]>[GC][BD][dB,])|([cE][BD]) [B2D2]|\
([AC]>[GB,]) ([AFD][B/G/][d/B/])|[e3G3c3] [gcE]|\
([dBG]>e) (e/d/c/B/)|([eGC][AG^C]) ([AFD][B/D/][A/=C/])|
([GB,]>[DB,][EC]>[DB,])|L([G2B,2] D) z|\
([eGC]>d) ([dGB,][B/D/][G/B,/])|([BEC]A) \
([A/F/D/]=c/B/A/)|[GB,]>[DB,][EC]>[DB,]|L([G2B,2] D) z|