Old Coon Dog (1)
X:1 T:Old Coon Dog N:From the playing of Alfred Bailey (1918-1996, Fleming N:County, northeast Ky.), recorded in the field in 1986 by John Harrod. M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel Q:"Quick" D:https://soundarchives.berea.edu/items/show/3967 K:G ef|g2 ga g2e2|dABA BA G2|Aaab a2{a}g2|eddd d2ef| gaba g2e2|dAB2 BAGG|ABAG EDGB|A2[G2B2][G2B2]ef| gfga g2e2|d2B2 BA[GB][GB]|eaab a2{a}g2|eddd d2ef| gaba g2e2|d2B2 BAGG|ABAG EDGB|A2[G2B2][G2B2]|| (_B2|=B2)B2