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There's three good fellows down in yon glen

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There's three good fellows down in yon glen  Click on the tune title to see or modify There's three good fellows down in yon glen's annotations. If the link is red you can create them using the form provided.Browse Properties <br/>Special:Browse/:There's three good fellows down in yon glen
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 Theme code Index    15L3b 7bL4L4
 Also known as    There's three guid fellows ayont you glen, Three Good Fellows Down in the Glen, Three good fellows
 Composer/Core Source    
 Region    Scotland
 Genre/Style    Scottish
 Meter/Rhythm    Air/Lament/Listening Piece, Slip/Hop Jig
 Key/Tonic of    A
 Accidental    NONE
 Mode    Aeolian (minor)
 Time signature    9/8
 Editor/Compiler    William McGibbon
 Book/Manuscript title    Book:Scots Tunes Book 2
 Tune and/or Page number    p. 50-51
 Year of publication/Date of MS    c. 1746
 Title of recording    
 Record label/Catalogue nr.    
 Year recorded    
 Score   ()   

X:1 T:There’s three good fellows ayont yon Glen M:9/8 L:1/8 R:Air Q:"Brisk" S:McGibbon – Scots Tunes, book II, pp. 50-51 (c. 1746) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Amin c | A3 EAB c2d | G3 EGB d2e | cBA EAB cec | dc(B B)e^G A2 :| |: e | a2A c2e (c'ba) | b2d B2d gbg | (c'ba) gfe dcB | cBA ^GeE A2 :| |: e | c2A E2A c2A | B2D G2d g2b | e2E cde (abc') | bc'a e(a^g) A2 :| |: a | (c'ba) (eac') (eac') | (bag) dgb dgb | (c'ba) eag fed | cBA E(a^g) a2 :| |: c | AcA E2A cBA | GBG D2G BAG | AcA E(AB) (cd)e | (dcB) e2E A2 :| |: a | (c'/b/a/b/c') (e/d/c/d/e) A2a | b/(a/g/a/b) (d/c/B/c/d) G2B | (e/d/c/d/)e (c'/b/a/b/c') (e/d/c/d/e) | (c/d/c/B/)A Ea^g a2 :: c/d/ | (e/d/c/B/A) (e/d/c/B/A) Tc2 B/c/ | (d/c/B/A/G) (d/c/B/A/G) (B>A^G/^F/) | E(A/^G/A) E(c/B/c) A>cB/A/ | B2f e2^G A2 :: e | Ace a2A c2e | GBd g2B d2g | ceg c'2e d2b | c2a B2^g a2 :: E | (A/B/c/d/e) (A/B/c/d/e) cBA | (G/A/B/c/d) (G/A/B/c/d) BAG | Ac(e e)c(a a)e(c' | c')ba ea^g A2 :: e | (a/b/c')a e2a (c'ba) | (g/a/b)g d2g bag | (a/b/c')a (ea)e (ce)c | dc(B B)eE A2 :| |: c/d/ | (e/d/c/B/A) EAc EAc | (d/c/B/A/G) DGB DGB | cBA a2g f2e | dc(B B)eE A2 :| |: a | c'b(a a)ea c'ba | ba(g g)dg bag | c'ba eae dbd | cac Ea^g a2 :|]

X:1 T:There's three good fellows down in you Glen M:9/8 L:1/8 R:Slip Jig Q:"Brisk" B:Oswald – Caledonian Pocket Companion, Book V (1760, p. 1) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Amin c|A3 EAB c2d|G3 DGB d2e|cBA EAB cec|dcB Ae^G A2:| |:e|a2A c2e c'ba|b2d TB2d gbg|c'ba gfe dcB|{B}c2A Be^G A2:| |:e|c2A E2A cea|B2D G2B dgb|e2E cde abc'|ea^g aec A2:| |:b|c'ba eac' eac'|bag dgb dgb|c'ba eag fed|cBA Ea^g a2:| |:c|(A/B/c)A EAB c2A|(G/A/B)G DGB dBG|(A/B/c)A EAB cde|a2g ede A2:| |:b|c'ae aec A2a|bgd gdB GAB|ec'b Ta2g Te2d|cBA Ea^g a2:| |:(c/d/)|ecA acA c2e|dBG gab dBG|AE^F ^GAB cde|a2c dBe A2:| |:e|(A/B/c/d/)e a2A c2e|(G/A/B/c/d) g2B d2g|(c/d/e/f/g) ec'b d2b|c2a Ba^g a2:| |:b|c'ac' bag e2c'|b2a gab d2b|c'ba d'c'b agf|edc BeE A2:|]

X:1 T:Three good Fellows M:9/8 L:1/8 R:Slip Jig B:James Aird – Selection of Scotch, English, Irish and Foreign Airs, vol. 5 B:(Glasgow, 1797, No. 130, p. 49) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Bmin d|B3 FBc d2e|A3 EAc e2f|dcB FBc dfd|edc cf^A B2|| f|b2B d2f d'c'b|c'2e c2e ac'a|d'c'b agf edc|^AfF B2||

X:1 T:There’s Three good Fellows ayont yon Glen, with Variations M:9/8 L:1/8 B:Mulhollan – Selection of Irish and Scots Tunes (Edinburgh, 1804, p. 15) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Gmin B|G3 DGA B2d|F2F CFG B2c|BAG DGA Bcd|cBA (B/c/d)^F G2:| |:d|g2G B2d bag|a2F A2c (f/g/a)f|bag fed cBA|BAG ^FdF G2:| |:A|B2G D2G B2G|A2C F2A f2a|d2D Bcd gab|ab/a/g dg^f [G2g2]:| |:a|bag dgb dgb|agf cfa cfa|bag dgf edc|BAG ^FdF G2:| |:D|(G/A/BG) D2G BAG|F/G/AF C2F AGF|G/A/BG DGA Bcd|cBA (B/c/d)^F G2:| |:a|b/a/g/a/b d/c/B/c/d G2f|a/g/f/g/a c/B/A/B/c F2B| d/c/B/c/d b/a/g/a/b d/c/B/c/d|AB/A/G Dg^f g2:| |:B/c/|dc/B/A/G/ dc/B/A/G/ BAB|cB/A/G/F/ cB/A/G/F/ BAB| (DGF/G/) (DBA/B/) (DBA/G/)|F2 e d2 ^F G2:| |:D|GBd g2G B2d|FAc f2F B2d|Bcd a2d c2a|B2g A2^f g2:| |:d|(g/a/b)g d2g bag|f/g/af c2f agf|gg/a/bg dgd BdB|{d}cBA B/c/d^F G2:| |:B/c/|dc/B/A/G/ DGB DGB|cB/A/G/F/ CFA CFA|dc/B/A/G/ DGF EDC|B,A,B, G,G^F G2:| |:D|GB/c/d/B/ GB/c/d/B/ GB/c/d/B/|FA/B/c/A/ FA/B/c/A/ FA/B/c/A| GB/c/d/B/ GB/c/d/B/ GB/c/d/B/|CDE DCB, G,2:| |:a|bag d'c'b agf|agf c'ba gf=e|f=ed bag f=ed|AB/A/G Dg^fg:|]

X:1 T:Three good fellows beyond the glen M:9/8 L:1/8 R:Slip Jig B:William Gunn - The Caledonian Repository of Music B:Adapted for the Bagpipes (Glasgow, 1848, p. 91) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Amix e|ecA c2e edc|dBG BBd dcB|ecA c2e edc| dcB BeG A2:|e|a>da Ace agf|gfg GBd gfe| a>da Ace agf|edc BeG A2e|a>fa Ace agf| gfg GBd gfe|agf gfe edc|dcB BeG A2|]

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