Poltalloch House, ArgyllPOLTALLOCH HOUSE. Scottish, Pipe Quickstep (6/8 time). A Mixolydian. Standard tuning (fiddle). AAB. Poltalloch House was a country house built by Neill Malcolm, 3rd laird of Poltalloch, from 1849 to 1853 at Kilmartin, Argyll, in the Scottish Highlands. The family’s commercial success was founded partly on their commodity trading in sugar, rum, cotton, cattle and slaves. They also profited from advancing credit and mortgages on land to other planters which allowed the family to expand into Tobago, Antigua and even as far as Honduras in Central America, and they purchased a cattle station in south Australia. Niall cleared the land for the mansion by ordering the eviction of tenants at Arichonan, which led to riots and unrest in the area, quelled only when police were called in. The building suffered a disastrous fire in 1902, and in 1957 the roof was removed (avoiding taxes), allowing the structure to decay into ruin.
Additional notes
Source for notated version: -
Printed sources : - John McLachlan (The Piper's Assistant), 1854; No. 98, p. 59.