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Annotation:There's a Brown Skin Girl down the Road Somewhere

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X:1 T:There's a Brown Skin Girl down the Road Somewhere T:Brownskin Gal N:From the playing of fiddler Eck Robertson (1887-1975, Vernon, north Texas) M:C| L:1/8 R:Country Rag Q:"Fast" D:Victor V40145 (78 RPM), Eck Robertson & family (1929) D:County CO 3515, Eck Robertson - Old Time Texas Fiddler (1998) D:https://www.slippery-hill.com/recording/theres-brown-skin-girl-down-road-somewhere Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:G d'2|+slide+d'abe gdeB|dA-BA G2 AA|BGED EA-B2|G6 d'2| d'abe gdeB|dABA G2G2|ce2a- age2|[df]-[f3a3] [f3a3]b| d'abe gdeB|dA-BA G2AA|BGED EA-B2|G8| G,A,B,C DEGA|g2ed- dABA|BGED E(AB2)|G6:| d2|defd eedd|fde2 d3A-|BGAA GGE2|G6d2| defd eedf|aga2 c3A|cABB AGE2|G6d2| defd eedd|fde2 d3A-|BGAA GGE2|G6 || |: [C2E2]|[CE2]-[E2G2][EG]- [EG][EG][EG][EG]|[EA][E2G2][EF]-[E2G2][E2A2]|BAGE DB,D2|[G6B6][G2B2]-| [B6d6][Bd][Bd]|[Bg][B2d2][Bd]- [Bd]a2|bd'ba ge3|g6:|]

THERE'S A BROWN SKINNED GAL (DOWN THE ROAD SOMEWHERE). AKA - "Brown Skin Gal," "That Brownskin Gal" (2). American, Country Rag (cut time). USA, Texas. G Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABC. Some sources insist the tune is original with Texas fiddler Eck Robertson, though Charles Wolfe (1997) states it is generally credited to Robertson’s contest nemesis Lefty Franklin. Robertson recorded the tune in Dallas, Texas, in August, 1929 for Victor records, and Victor credited the composition to him. He was accompanied by members of his family: son Dueron Robertson on tenor banjo, daughter Daphne on tenor guitar, and wife Nettie on guitar.

Additional notes

Sources for notated versions: - Eck Robertson (Texas) [Brody]; Alexander Robertson [Phillips].

Printed sources : - Brody (Fiddler’s Fakebook), 1983; p. 275. Phillips (Traditional American Fiddle Tunes, vol. 2), 1995; p. 147.

Recorded sources: - American Heritage 515, Junior Daugherty - "You Be the Judge." Stoneway 148, Howdy Forrester - "Fiddle Hoedown." American Heritage 516, Jana Greif - "I Love Fiddlin.'" American Heritage 1, Herman Johnson - "Champion Fiddling." Victor 40145 (78 RPM), Eck Robertson & Family {1929}. Sonyatone 201, Eck Robertson - "Master Fiddler." Folkways 31062, Ship in the Clouds - "Old Time Instrumental Music" (1978. From an Eck Robertson recording). June Appal 024, Luke Smathers String Band - "Mountain Swing."

See also listing at:
Hear Eck Robertson's 1929 recording at Slippery Hill [1] and at youtube.com [2]

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