Jimmy Sutton
X:1 T:Jimmy Sutton N:From the playing of blacksmith and fiddler Marion Reece N:(Zionville, Watauga County, western N.C.), recorded in the field N:by John Lomax in 1936 for the Library of Congress. M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel Q:"Quick" D:https://www.slippery-hill.com/recording/jimmy-sutton D:Library of Congress, AFS 00841 AO3 (Reece's name was D:recorded as "Rees" by Lomax). K:D DD|DDFD EECC|D2DD D2FC|DDDD EECC|D2DD D2FC| DDDD EDCC|D2 D2 D2FG|A4 ECEC|D2A2D2A2| D2A2 ECEC|D2FD D2AG |FDFD ECEC|D2FD D2 FD| DDFD ECEC|D2FF D2FF|{F}GGGD E2E2|AA2B A2FF| GGGG E2C2|E2AA A3B| AA3 ECEF|G3G- GA- AG| FGFG ECEC|E2 A2-A AB|AA3 ECEF| G3G- GA- AG| FGFG ECEC|D2FF D2FF|D2 FD ECEC|D2FF D2EF| GGGG ECEC|!>!.D2 DD DD||
X: 1
T: Old Jimmy Sutton
R: reel
Z: 2011 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
B: David Brody: "Fiddler Fakebook" p.206
M: C|
L: 1/8
K: A
fa2f a2a2-|abaf ec3 | fa2f a2a2-|abaf ec3 |
fa2f a2a2-|abaf ec3 | fa2f a2g2-|gfgf ecec ||
d[f2d2][fd] [f2d2]ef-|fe[fd]d ed[ec][ec] | d[f2d2][fd] [f2d2]fg-|gfgf ec[ec][ec] |
d[f2d2][fd] [f2d2]ef-|fe[fd]d ed[ec][ec] | dd[ec]c d2fg-|gf[fd]d ecec |]