Ladies Fancy (7)
X:1 T:Ladies Fancy [7] N:From the playing of fiddler Art Galbraith (1909-1993, Springfield, Mo., though N:originally from Greene County, Mo., Ozarks region). M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel Q:"" D: D:Rounder 0157, Art Galbraith - "Simple Pleasures" (1984) Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:D [A,D]-[B,D]-|[DD]DDF A2 A-d|BAGB AGFE|D2 DF A2A2|A,G,A,-B, [A,2E2] (B,C| [D2D2])DF A2Ad|BAGB AGFA|d2 dA cdee|defe d2:| |:ea|fedf edcA|dcdB AGFD|GGBG A2 AA| Be2f e2ea| fedf edcA| d2 d-B AEFD|d2 dA cdee|defe d2:|]