X:1 T:Bogniebrae C:J. Scott Skinner M:C L:1/8 R:Schottische Q:"Very Spirited" N:"To John MacGregor" B:Skinner - The Logie Collection (1888, p. 95) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:A E|E>F A>B {AB}c>B A>F|E>F A>B (c<A)B>c|A,>A A>B c>B A>F| E>F A>E C<A, A,:|f|e>a f<a e<a A/a"lift bow"z/|c>e{g}a>e ~f<BB>f| e>a f<a e<a A<a|C>EA>B ~c<AA>f|e<a f<a e<a A<a| c>e{g}a>e ~f<BB>d|c/e/a B/d/g A/c/f G/B/e|(3FBd (3GBe c<A [CA]||
BOGNIEBRAE. Scottish, Schottische or Strathspey. A Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AAB. Composed by the great Scots fiddler-composer J. Scott Skinner (1843-1927, first printed in his Logie Collection (1888). Bogniebrae, Forgue, is a rural hamlet in Aberdeenshire that features the remains of Conzie Castle. Skinner dedicated the tune to John MacGregor, who took over the Balmenach distillery around 1878 after the death of his brother. See note for "annotation:Burn of Forgue (The)" for more.