Fox Family Reel
X: 2 T:Fox Family Reel M:C| L:1/8 C:as played by John Arcand 7/2004; NW Fiddle Tunes S:Chords by Trent Bruner R:Reel N:1. In the A2, bar 1 is played like bar 3; the "stop" (quarternote) is N:thus an intro, played only at the very top of the A parts. N:2. The F# (2nd note) in bar 13 is only sometimes there; otherwise the bar is like bar 9, but w/o the slur. H:As presented by John Arcand, at the July 2004 "Fiddle Tunes" Festival at Port Townsend WA. Z:Transcription by Kristin Smith, Phil Katz, based on "Fiddle" 2004 performance tapes. K:Em GF|"Em"E2 B,E GBAG|"D"FDFA d2 GF|"Em"EB,EF GBAG|"D"FD D2 D2 GF |! "Em"EB,EF GBAG|"D"FDFA dAFA|"D"GEFD "Em"EFED|"Bm"B,EED "Em"E2 :|]!: (3DEF|"G"G2- GA BGBd|"G (Em)"eged B2 (3BcB|"Am"A2 AB AGEG|ABAG E2 (3DEF |! "G"GFGA BGBd |"Em (G)"eged B2 (3BcB|"Am"A2 AB AGEF|"D7"GBAF "G"G2 :|]!