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X:1 T:Whippoorwill M:2/4 L:1/8 B:O'Flannagan - The Hibernia Collection (Boston, 1860, p. 9) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:F C|FF/G/ AG/F/|dd/e/ f/g/a/f/|cc/A/ c/a/g/e/|f/d/e/^c/ dd| FF/G/ AG/F/|dd c/A/c/e/|f/g/a/g/ f/e/d/c/|A/d/c/e/ dd:| |:f/g/a/f/ g/[e/g/][e/g/][e/g/]|f/d/d/f/ e/c/c|cc/A/ a/b/a/e/|f/d/e/c/ AA| A/d/d d/f/e/d/|e/c/e/c/ e/g/f/e/|f/b/a/g/ f/e/d/c/|A/d/c/e/ dd:|]

WHIPPOORWILL. American, Reel (2/4 time). F Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB. "Whippoorwill", the name of a bird common to New England, was printed in Boston music publisher Elias Howe's collections, including the Hibernia Collection, issued under the Howe pseudonym Patrick

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Printed sources : - Elias Howe (Musician’s Omnibus Nos. 6 & 7), Boston, 1880-1882, p. 644.

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