Come Kiss with Me
X:1 T:My Jocky blyth for what thou hast done N:”To the Tune of ‘Come kiss with me, come clap with me.’” M:C| L:1/8 R:Air B: William Thomson - Orpheus Caledonius, vol. II (1733, No. 39, p. 159) B: N:Thomson (c. 1695-1753) was a Scottish singer and folk song collector N:who lived in London for most of his adult career. Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion P:Vocal: K:G g|d>B G>B d>B G>B|d>B d>e f2 d f |e>^c A>c e>c A>c|e>^c e>f g2 f e | d>B G>B d>B G>B|d>B d>e f2 d f/g/|a e f d e d B a|A A B d e2 e||
T:Come kiss with me, come clap with me
B:Thomson - Orpheus Caeldonius (1733, pp. 88-89)
Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion
g|d>BG>B d>BG>B|d>Bd>e f2 df|e>^cA>c e>cA>c|e>^ce>f g2 fe|
d>BG>B d>BG>B|d>Bd>e f2 df|afge fdBg|AABd e2e||