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Annotation:Tommy Peoples Reel (5)

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X:1 T:Tommy Peoples’ (Reel) [5] R:Reel Z:Adrian Scahill M:4/4 L:1/8 K:G G2BG cGBG|ADDE FGAF|G2BG cGBG|Addc AGGF:| |:g2dg egde|g2bg agef|g2dg egdB|cBAc BGG2:||

'TOMMY PEOPLES’ (REEL) [5]'. AKA and see “Turnpike Reel (The).” Irish, Reel. A Major: G Major. Nigel Gatherer feels the ‘A’ part is a version of the old Scottish tune “Clean Pea(se) Straw/Strae.” Tommy Peoples himself has denied authorship of the melody, and says in fact that a number of tunes that carry his name were not composed by him.

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Recorded sources : - <meta charset="UTF-8">Mairead Ni Mhaonaigh and Frankie Kennedy – “Ceol Aduaidh” (appears as “Tommy Peoples”, their source for the tune). Liam O’Flynn – “The Pipers Call” (appears as part of Carrigaholt Set). Green Linnet GLCD 1211, Kevin Crawford – “In Good Company” (2001). Tommy Peoples – “Waiting for the Call.” Paul McGrattan – “The Frost is all Over.”

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