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Annotation:Sweet's the Name of Peggy

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X:1 T:Sweet's the Name of Peggy M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel B:Köhler’s Violin Repository vol. 2 (1881-1885, p. 146) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:E eBGE GBBc|=dAFD FA=gf|eBGB egbg|afdf (g<e)e2:|| ebgb ebge|defg afdf|ebgb ebge|defa (g<e)e2| ebgb ebge|defg afdf|bgaf gefd|e{f}g f{g}a g{a}b a{g}f!D.C.!||

SWEET'S THE NAME OF PEGGY. Scottish, Reel (cut time). E Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AAB.

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Printed sources : - Laybourn (<meta charset="UTF-8">Köhler’s Violin Repository vol. 2), 1881-1885; p. 146.

Recorded sources : - Banff RBS 1246,Joe MacLean - "Joe MacLean and his Old Time Scottish Fiddle" (1977). Celtic America, Carl MacKenzie - "Cape Breton Fiddle Medleys" (1996).

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