Fascination Quadrille, Figure 3
X:1 T: Fascination Quadrille Figure 3 C: D.S. McCosh N:From "Gems of the Ballroom," pub. 1890 by E.T. Root & Sons, Chicago M:6/8 K:G d2Be2B|d2Be2B|def gag|f2{gf}ee2a| a2e efe|g2d ded|fed cBA|G3G2g|| K:D f2{gf}ec2B|A2g fed|cAB cde|faf def| g2f gec|Aeg fed|cAB cde|d3z(3ABc|| K:G d2Be2B|d2Be2B|def gag|f2{gf}ee2a| a2e efe|g2d ded|fed cBA|G3G2z|| K:C E3-EF^F|G2AG3|e3ef^f|geag2e| f3-fdB|G3-GBA|GFG GAB|c3cz|]