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Annotation:Pas Seul (1)

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X:1 T:Pas Seul [1] N:”Danced by Miss Margaret Burnett of Leys” M:2/4 L:1/8 B:Archibald Duff – A Choice Selection of Minuets, Favourite Airs, Hornpipes, Waltzs &c. B:Book First (Edinburgh, c. 1812, p. 8) B: https://digital.nls.uk/special-collections-of-printed-music/archive/105810922 N:Archibald Duff (c. 1770-c. 1840?) was a musician (along with his brother Charles) and dancing N:master, of Montrose and Aberdeen, and is recorded as being a Professor of Music residing at N:Clayills Cottage, Aberdeen in 1837. N:The volume is dedicated to Lady Mary Ramsay of Balmain Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:C cc {d}c/>B/c/>e/|d- g>.f.e/.d/| cc {d}c/>B/c/>e/|d/>c/B/>A/ G/>G/A/>B/|cc {d}c/>B/c/>e/| d- g>.f.e/.d/| cc {e}d/>c/d/>e/|cecz:|B/>g/ {a}(g/^f/4g/4) d/>g/ {a}g/(f/4g/4)|(e/f/).g/.a/ (g/e/).d/.c/| B/>g/ {a}(g/^f/4g/4) d/>g/ {a}(g/f/4f/4)|(e/f/).g/.a/ .g/(e/d/c/)|a/>f/c' .g.e|a/>f/c' .g/.c| a/>f/c'/>a/ g/>e/d/>c/|B/>c/f/>e/ d/>G/A/>B/|cc {d}c/>B/c/>e/|(d g>)f.e/.d/|cc {d}c/>B/c/>e/| d/>c/B/>A/ G/>G/A/>B/|cc {d}c/>B/c/>e/|(d g>)f.e/.d/|cc {e}d/>c/d/>e/|cec z||

PAS SEUL [1]. Scottish, Country Dance Tune (2/4 time). C Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AAB. A pas seul refers to a solo dance. Fiddler-composer biography:Archibald Duff's title includes that it was "Danced by Miss Margaret Burnett of Leys." She was perhaps Margaret Burnett of Leys (1796-1828), who would have been aged about sixteen when Duff's collection was printed. She was the daughter of Robert Burnett of Leys and Margaret Dalrymple-Horn-Elphinstone, and married Captain Thomas Ramsay in 1826 in Banchory, Aberdeenshire. She died only two years after her marriage, which often means a childbirth death.

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Printed sources : - Archibald Duff (A Choice Collection of Minuets, Favourite Airs, Hornpipes, Waltzs &c., Book First), Edinburgh, c. 1812; p. 8.

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