Lover's Schottische (The)
X:1 T: The Lover's Schottische C:A.Y.Z. N:From the Aurora, Oregon 1880 manuscript. Originally published by Cook and N:Brother in New York in 1855, with the composer listed as "A.Y.Z." This tune is also in N:the 1863 J.E. Sedlak manuscript from Portland, Oregon, as well as in the Uniontown N:manuscripts, Uniontown, Washington, 1892, created by William Hamilton Ehlen and N:Henry Ehlen, members of the Aurora Colony in Oregon's Willamette Valley. Z:V. T. Williams M:2/4 K:D A2FG FAf2|f2eBe4|d2cB cBA2|B2A^G A=GF2|A2F>G FAf2| f2eBe4|edcB ^GABc|d2d2 d4:|\ K:A |:e3f gab^b|c'3a ec'ec'| c'3b dbdb|b3a caca|e3f gab^b|c'3a ec'ec'| c'3b dbdb|a2a2a4:|\ K:D A2FG FAf2|f2eBe4|d2cB cBA2| B2A^G A=GF2|A2FA FAf2|f2eBe4|edcB ^GABc|[dF]2[dF]2 [dF]4|| K:G |:!segno!"Trio"d4{ed}^cded|d4{ed}^cded|a3g fedc|B2bg agfe|d4{ed}^cded| d4{ed}^cded|a3g fdef|g2g2g4!fine!:|\ K:D PA4{^GA}c2BA|^GAfe dcBA| PA4{^GA}e2cA|PA4{^GA}f2d2|PA4{^GA}c2BA|^GAfe dcBA|PA4{^GA}f3e|d2d2d4!D.S.!y:|