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Annotation:Miss Catherine Forsyth's Reel

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Revision as of 02:25, 17 June 2021 by Andrew (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{TuneAnnotation |f_annotation='''MISS CATHERINE FORSYTH'S REEL.''' Scottish, Reel (cut time). B Flat Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AAB. "Miss Catherine Forsyth's Reel" was...")
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X:1 T:Miss Catherine Forsyth’s Reel C:”By a Lady” M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel B:James Taylor – A Collection of Strathspeys & Reels, together with a Set of Scots Quadrilles (Elgin, c. 1835, p. 10) N:”Most respectfully dedicated to Lady Dunbar of Northfield.” Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Bb F|~B2 (c/B/A/B/) BFDF|~B2 (AB) cC C2|~B2 cBAB BFDF|EGFE DB,B,:| F|BB dB fBdB|BB fB dccd|BB fB dBfB|egfe dBBF| BB dB fBdB|BB fB dccf|dfcd Bc GB|FGFE DB,B,||

MISS CATHERINE FORSYTH'S REEL. Scottish, Reel (cut time). B Flat Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AAB. "Miss Catherine Forsyth's Reel" was attributed to "a Lady" in Elgin composer, fiddler and music teacher James Taylor's first collection (c. 1835). It seems likely that the 'Lady' was his dedicatee for the volume, Lady Dunbar of Northfield, or one of her daughters.

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Printed sources : - James Taylor (A Collection of Strathspeys & Reels, together with a Set of Scots Quadrilles), Elgin, c. 1835; p. 10.

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