X:1 T:Sugarbaby N:From the playing of fiddler Melvin Wine (1909-2003, Copen, Braxton County, N:central West Virginia). N:Wine plays with a pronounced backbeat, often with double stops. N:A version of "Give the Fiddler a Dram" M:C| L:1/8 R:Reel N:GDad tuning (fiddle) Q:"Quick" D:Marimac AHS2, Melvin Wine - "Hannah at the Springhouse" (1989) D: Z:Andrew Kuntz K:G [B2d2]-|[d2d2][d2d2] e[dd][dd]A|[G2B2][G,2G2] [G_B]-[G=B]-[GB][GB]-|[GA]GAG BGAF|G2[G,2G2][G,3G3][Bd]-| [d2d2][d2d2] e[dd]BA|[G2B2][G,2G2] [G_B]-[G=B]-[GB][GB]-|[D2A2] [E2A2][F2A2][D2A2]|J[G3B3](G, [G3B3]):| |:[D2A2]-|([DA]F)AF ABcA|.B2[G,2G2] B-A[G,G]G|[D2A2][F2A2] DFAc |B[GB]-[GB][GB] [G2B2][D2A2]-| ([DA]F)AF ABcA|.B2[G,2G2] B-AGG| [D2A2] [E2A2][F2A2][D2A2]|J[G3B3](G, [G2B2]):|