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Annotation:Sunshine Hornpipe (1) (The)

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X:1 T:Sunshine Hornpipe [1], The M:C| L:1/8 R:Hornpipe S:O’Neill – Dance Music of Ireland: 1001 Gems (1907, No. 952) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:A cd|(3eae (3cec (3AcA ED|CEAc ecAc|(3dfd (3cec (3BdB (3AcA|GBFB E2 cd| e>ac>e A>cE>D|CEAc ecAc|(3dfd (3cec (3BdB (3GBG|Aaec A2:| |:Bc|dBGB EGBc|dBGB d2 cd|ec (3AcA EAcd|ec (3Ace a2 ga| fdBd (3fed (3cBA|(3GAB (3AGF E2 cd|eafd cABG|Aaec A2:|]

SUNSHINE HORNPIPE [1], THE (Crannciuil taitneam na greine). AKA - "Solas na Gréine." AKA and see “Pansy Blossom (1) (The),” "Shunster's Hornpipe,” “St. Elmo Hornpipe." English, Irish, Scottish; Hornpipe (cut time). England, Northumberland. A Major (Carlin, O’Neill): G Major (Mallinson). Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB. Versions of the hornpipe appear in Ryan's Mammoth Collection as "St. Elmo Hornpipe" and "Shunster's Hornpipe," and, in an earlier Howe publication, as "Shunter's Hornpipe." It is possible that "Sunshine" in O'Neill's title is a miss-hearing of Ryan's "Shunster's"; O'Neill was aware of the connection for, Paul de Grae points out, "Shunster's" appears as a supplementary title in the index to Dance Music of Ireland (1907). A version of the tune was also printed in O'Neill's earlier Music of Ireland (1903) as "Pansy Blossom (1) (The)", attributed to James O'Neill. Also possible is that O'Neill deliberately changed the name to a more neutral-sounding one.

Additional notes

Printed sources : - Carlin (English Concertina), 1977; p. 46. Mallinson (100 Enduring), 1995; No. 75, p. 31. O’Brien (Jerry O’Brien’s Accordion Instructor), Boston, 1949. O'Neill (Dance Music of Ireland: 1001 Gems), 1907; No. 952, p. 163.

Recorded sources : - Cló Iar-Chonnachta CICD 168, Brian Conway, Joe Burke, Felix Dolan – “Tribute to Andy McGann” (2007). Cló Iar-Chonnachta CICD 173, Brian Conway – “Consider the Source” (2008). CDEC 001, Eamonn Cotter – “Traditional Music from County Clare" (1996). Columbia 33389-F, Four Provinces Orchestra (1929). Columbia 33528-F/VOC 84168, Joe Flanagan (1933).

See also listing at :
Alan Snyder’s Cape Breton Fiddle Recording Index [1]
Jane Keefer’s Folk Music Index: An Index to Recorded Sources [2]
Alan Ng’s Irishtune.info [3]

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