Brags of Washington (The)
X:1 T:Brags of Washington, The M:2/4 L:1/8 R:Air N:Frank Kidson had the tune in two different musician's manuscript N:collections in his possession, one dated 1791. However, he was not N:able to locate it in any printed collections. He suggested "it never N:reached a more exalted station than on a broadside." K:G D|GB Bd|cB AG|GB dg|d3B|cc AA|B2 GB|cA GF|G3:| |:e|dg ge|fd dd|dg ge|f2 dd|dg ge|fddB|cc ce|dc BA| GB Bd|cB AG|GB dg|d3B|c AA|BB GB|cA GF|G3:|