Annotation:Duke of Edinburgh's Strathspey (The)
X:1 T:Duke of Edinburgh's Strathspey, The M:C L:1/8 R:Pipe Strathspey B:William Ross -- Ross's Collection of Pipe Music (1869, No. 119, p. 104) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:Amix a|A>Ae>A c>BA>c|e2 a>e|f>ec<e|d2 f>d c2 a>c|B>dc>e d/c/B/A/ G>B| A<Ae>A c>BA>c|e2 ae f>ec<e|d>ef>d e>ca>f|e>cd>B AAA|| d|c<ee>A c<ef>e|c<ea>e f>ec>d|c<ee>A (3cdea>c|B>dc>e d/c/B/A/ G>B| (3c>dee>A (3c>def>e|(3c>dea>e f>ec>e|d>ef>d e>ca>f|e>cd>B AAA||
DUKE OF EDINBURGH'S STRATHSPEY, THE. AKA and see "Auld Reekie," "Princess of Wales (The)." Scottish, Pipe Strathspey (whole time). A Mixolydian. Standard tuning (fiddle). AB. A strathspey setting of "Duke of Edinburgh's Reel (The)." 'The Queen's Piper', William Ross, printed the tune as "Duke of Edinburgh's Strathspey" in his 1869 collection, without composer attribution. However, Paul Stewart Cranford notes that the tune appears on the Donald McPhedran bagpipe collection of c. 1902 under the title "Princess of Wales (The)," attributed to Archibald Campbell.