Annotation:Miss Christie of Durrie
X:1 T:Miss Christie of Durrie Reel C:James Walker (1771-1840), Dysart M:C L:1/8 R:Reel B:James Walker - A Second Collection of Reels, Strathspeys, Jigs, &c. (c. 1798, p. 4) N:Dedicated to Lady St Clair Erskine of Sinclair (Fife) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:C B|c2 Bc GcBc|defd cBAG|c2 Bc defd|ecdB c2c:| f|Tg2 eg Tf2 df|afed cBAG|c2 Bc defd|ecdB c2 cf| g2 eg f2 df|afed cBAG|cedf egfa|gefd c2c||
MISS CHRISTIE OF DURRIE. Scottish, Reel. C Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AAB. "Miss Christie of Currie" was composed by biography:James Walker (1771-1840), a musician, fiddler-composer and music teacher of Dysart, Fife, Scotland. Walker dedicated his second collection to Lady St. Clair Erskine of Sinclair (née Harriet Bouverie), and his first collection to her spouse, wikipedia:James_St_Clair-Erskine,_2nd_Earl_of_Rosslyn (1762-1837), soldier, politician, and slave holder.