Annotation:Centennial Hornpipe (1) (The)
X:1 T:Centennial Hornpipe [1] M:C| L:1/8 R:Hornpipe S:Ryan's Mammoth Collection (1883) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:Bb (dc) | B>Fd>c B>Fd>c | B>Fe>d c2 (fe) | d>fB>d c>eA>c | B>ba>g f>ed>c | B>Fd>c B>Fd>c | B>Fe>d c2 (fe) | d>f(Bd) c>eA>c | B2d2B2 :| |:(AB) | c>f=e>g f2 (AB) | c>f=e>f f2 (AB) | c>=eg>b a>gf>e | f>=ef>g f2 (AB) | c>f=e>g f2 (AB) | c>f=e>g f2 (AB) | c>=eg>b a>gf>=e |1 f2a2f2 :|2 {g}f>=ef>g f>_ed>c ||
CENTENNIAL HORNPIPE [1]. American, Hornpipe. B Flat major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB. The title presumably honors the United States' Centennial of 1876. "As performed by R. Tyson," notes Ryan. "Can be used as a Clog."