On the Lake of Killarney
X:1 T:On the Lake of Killarney M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Air N:The third line of the music is an instrumental bridge. The N:remainder is the vocal line. N:ABACA structure B:The Vocal Magazine, vol. 3 (Edinburgh, 1799, Song XII, pp. 29-31) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:G OG/A/|BGG AGG|Bde dBg|eAA AA/B/c/d/|ecA A2G/A/| BGG AGG|dBg g2 f/e/|{e}dc/B/ A/G/ dBG|EDG G3| d/e/d/B/g d/e/d/B/g|eAA A>Bc/A/|d/e/d/B/g d/e/d/B/g|EDG G2O|| Bc|dBG dBG|cee e>fg|dBG dBG|cAA A2B/c/| dBG dBG|deg g2 f/e/|dBG dBG|AA/B/c/A/ e2 d/c/!D.S.!:|| B,/C/|D=FF EGG|^FD/E/F/D/ G2 B,/C/|D=FF EGG|^FD/E/F/D/ G2 G/A/| BGD BGd|BGG cd/c/B/A/|BGD BGd|BGG cd/c/!D.S.!:||
T:On the Lake of Killarney
B:O'Farrell - Pocket Companion, vol. 1 (c. 1805)
Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion
GA | B2G2G2A2G2G2 | d2B2e2d2B2g2 | e2A2A2A2AB cd | e2c2A2 A4 GA |
B2G2G2 A2G2G2 | d2B2g2 g4 fe | d2 cB AG dB G2 | E2D2G2 G4 z2 |
dedB g2 dedB g2 | e2A2A2 A4Bc | dedB g>e d2B2G2 | E2D2G2 G4 || Bc |
d2B2G2 d2B2G2 | c2e2e2 e3f g2 | d2B2G2 d2B2G2 | c2A2A2 A4Bc |
d2B2G2 d2B2G2 | d2e2f2 g4 fe | d2B2G2 d2B2G2 | A2 AB cd e4 :: G |
D2=F2F2E2G2G2 | F2 DEFD G4G2 | D2F2F2E2G2G2 | F2 DEFD G4 G2A2 |
B2G2D2B2G2d2 | B2G2G2 c4BA | B2G2D2B2G2d2 | A2 ABcd e4 dc :|]