Well Done Jack (2)
X:1 T:Well Done Jack [2] M:C| L:1/8 S:Walsh – Second Book of the Compleat Country Dancing Master (London, 1719) K:A a2|g2 fe a2e2|g2 fe f4|e2 dc B2A2|G2 (B2B2)a2| g2 fe a2e2|g2 fe f4|e2 dc B2A2|E2 (A2A2):| |:ed|c2A2c2e2|a2 c2 d4|c2 dc B2A2|G2 (B2B2) ed| c2e2a2c2|d2a2c2a2|c2 dc B2A2|E2(A2A2):|]
X: 1
T: Well done Jack
%R: reel
B: "The Compleat Country Dancing-Master" printed by John Walsh, London ca. 1740
S: 6: CCDM2 http://imslp.org/wiki/The_Compleat_Country_Dancing-Master_(Various) V.2 (149)
Z: 2013 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
N: Repeats added to satisfy the "Each strain twice" instruction.
M: C|
L: 1/8
K: A
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
a2 |\
g2(fe) a2e2 | g2(fe) f4 | e2dc B2A2 | G2 B4 a2 |
gfge a2e2 | g2(fe) f4 | e2dc B2A2 | E2 A4 :|
|: ed |\
c2A2 c2e2 | a2c2 d4 | c2dc B2A2 | G2 B4 ed |
c2e2 a2c2 | (d2a2) (c2a2) | c2dc B2A2 | E2 A4 :|
% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
%%center Each strain twice
%%begintext align
%% The 1st and 2d Men go Back to Back with their Partners
%% and turn each a round and a half .| Then Back to
%% Back sides and turn as before :| The Men being
%% improper the 1st Cu. go right Hands and left with the
%% 2d Cu. half round all dance and turn single .| The 1st
%% Cu. lead thro the 3d Cu. then cast up and turn
%% Partners quite round :|
%%sep 1 8 500
X: 1
T:Well Done Jack [2]. WCD3/2.149
T:Scotch hornpipe,aka. WCD3/2.149
Z:vmp. Peter Dunk 2015 www.village-music-project.org.uk
B:Walsh, Compleat Country Dancing Master, 3rd Series, 2nd Bk, 3rd Ed., 1749
a2|g2(fe) a2e2|g2(fe) f4|e2dc B2A2|G2B4 a2|gfge a2e2|
g2(fe) f4|e2dc B2A2|E2A4::ed|c2A2 c2e2|a2c2 d4|
c2dc B2A2|G2B4 ed|c2e2 a2c2|(d2a2) (c2a2)|c2dc B2A2|E2A4:|
W:Each Strain Twice. (repeats added to notation accordingly)