Annotation:Minos Court
X:1 T:Minos Court M:6/8 L:1/8 R:Country Dance B:Samuel, Ann & Peter Thompson -- Compleat Collection of 200 Favourite Country Dances, vol. 5 (1788, No. 118, p. 59) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:F FGF A2c|f3c3|d2B G2c|A3F3| FGA A2c|f3a3|gfe G2=B|c3-c3:| |:cdc e2g|b3g3|a2f d2g|e3c3| faf c2A|BdB G2B|AGF G2E|F3-F3:|]

Minos is depicted with having a snake-like tail. He sits at the entrance to the second circle in the Inferno, which is the beginning of Hell proper. Here, he judges the sins of each soul and assigns it to its rightful punishment by indicating the circle to which it must descend. He does this by circling his tail around his own body the appropriate number of times. He can also speak, to clarify the soul's location within the circle indicated by the wrapping of his tail. [1]