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Rye Whiskey Waltz

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Rye Whiskey Waltz  Click on the tune title to see or modify Rye Whiskey Waltz's annotations. If the link is red you can create them using the form provided.Browse Properties <br/>Special:Browse/:Rye Whiskey Waltz
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 Theme code Index    355 651
 Also known as    
 Composer/Core Source    
 Region    United States
 Genre/Style    Old-Time, Texas/Oklahoma
 Meter/Rhythm    Air/Lament/Listening Piece, Waltz/Valse/Vals
 Key/Tonic of    A
 Accidental    2 sharps
 Mode    Mixolydian
 Time signature    3/4
 History    USA(Central), USA(Southwest)
 Structure    ABC, AABBAACC
 Editor/Compiler    Biography:E.F. Adam
 Book/Manuscript title    Book:Old Time Fiddlers Favorite Barn Dance Tunes
 Tune and/or Page number    No. 72, p. 27
 Year of publication/Date of MS    1928
 Artist    Biography:The Farr Brothers
 Title of recording    Texas Crapshooter
 Record label/Catalogue nr.    John Edwards Memorial Foundation JEMF-107
 Year recorded    1978
 Score   (1)   

X:1 T:Rye Whiskey Waltz M:3/4 L:1/8 R:Air or Waltz N:AEac# tuning, play notation as if in standard tuning N:"+" = pizzicato note B:E.F. Adam - Old Time Fiddlers Favorite Barn Dance Tunes (St. Louis, B:1928, No. 72, p. 27 Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:Amix ([Ae]B|[c2e2]) (cB)AB|[A2e2][D2A2] ([Ae]B|[c2e2]) c2 (3BcB|[A4e4] (AB|[c2e2]) ((3BcB A2)|((3[EA]FE D2) D2|([E2A2]G2) AG(E|[G4A4]):| K:Ador DB,|[G,D]-[B,D] [B,2D2][B,2D2]|[G,D]-[CE][C2E2][C2E2]|[G,D]-[B,D] [B,2D2][B,2D2]|[A,4D4] DB,|[G,D]-[B,D][B,2D2][B,2D2]|G,D]-[CE][C2E2][C2E2]|[G,D]-[B,D] [B,2D2][B,2D2]|[B,4G4]:|

X:1 T:Rye Whiskey Waltz S:Hugh Farr (Texas) M:3/4 L:1/8 N:DGdg tuning N:+ = pizzicato D: Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:G P:Intro: !+!{e}d2!+!G2!+!D2 |[M:4/4]!+!{e}d2!+!G2 D2 D_E|[M:3/4]=E2G2 A2|{BcA}G4|| OGA|B2 +slide+[d2d2]dg|Ted3GA|Bc dg e(c|[d4d4])GA| Bc dg Te2|(_B=B)G2DG|E2G2A2|{BcA}G4 GA| B2 +slide+[d2d2]dg|Ted3GA|Bc Gg e(c|[d3d3])e GA| B>(d d)g ed|(_B/BA/)G2DG|(E2G>)GA2|{BA}G4D2|| {G,A,B,}C2EG E_E|D(3B,/C/^C/ D2D^D|E2G>G A>_B|=B4D2| {G,A,B,}C2 EG E_E|D(3B,/C/^C/ D2DG|E2G>GA2|{BcA}G4|| !+!{e}d2|!+!G2!+!D2!+!d2|!+!G2!+!D2 D_E|=EG>GA>_B|=B4!+!{e}d2| !+!G2!+!D2!+!d2|!+!G2!+!D2D>_E|=E2G2A2|{BcA}G4 O|]

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