Uncle Jim
X:1 T:Uncle Jim T:Steamboat Quickstep M:6/8 L:1/8 K:A {3efg|:a2e c2A|Ace a2 (3e/f/g/|agf edc|Bed cBA| a2e c2A|Ace a2 (3e/f/g/|agf edc|edB [A2e2] [Ae] :| |:ece efe|efe cBA|Ad[df] [d2f2] [df]|fee e2 (3e/c/B/| Ace efe|efe cBA|a2f edc|edB [a2e2] B :|]
X: 1
T: Lots of Fish in Bonavist' Harbour
O: Newfoundland
M: 6/8
L: 1/8
F: http://nfldsongs.tripod.com/01/lotsofish.htm
Z: 2010 John Chambers <jc:trillian.mit.edu>
K: G
d3- d2d | G2B d2d | ded B2G | G2c e2e | efg d3 |
w: Oh,_ there's lots of fish in Bon-a-vist Har-bour, lots of fish right in a-round here;
G2B d2d | ded B2G | g2e d2B | (AB)A HG3 | d3- d3 ||
w: Boys and girls are fish-in' to-geth-er, For-ty-five from Car-*bon-ear. Oh,_
"chorus"|| GGB d2d | ded B2G | GGc e2e |
w: Catch-a-hold this one, catch-a-hold that one, Swing a-round this one,
efg d3 | GGB d2d | ded B2G |
w: swing a-round she; Dance a-round this one, dance a-round that one,
gge d2B | ABA G3 :|["last verse" d3- d3 | G2B d2d |
w: Did-dle dum this one, did-dle dum-dee. Oh,_ Sal-ly got a
ded B2G | G2c e2e | efg d2d |
w: bounc-in' new ba-by, Fath-er said that he did-n't care; Be-
g2g f2d | eee d2B | G2A B2G | EEF HG3 |]
w: cause he liked the Fel-ler from For-tune what was down here fish-in' last year.