T:Stella darling of the Muses
B:David Young – “A Collection of Scotch Airs with the latest Variations” (AKA - The
B:McFarlane Manuscript (c. 1741, No. 208, p. 250)
N:The Society of Antiquaries of Scotland
G/A/Bc|def|gTg2|(3f/e/d d2|(3e/d/c/ TBA|(3d/c/B/ TAG|c/d/cB|TBAz |G/A/Bc|
def|gTg2|(3f/e/d/ d2|(3g/f/e/ d^c|dAd|(3g/f/e/ d^c|dTA2|GTG2|FAd|(3g/f/e/ d^c|d3:|
|:d/c/BA|^G/A/Bc|dTd2|(3c/B/A/ A2|c/B/AG|F/G/AB|c/d/cB|TBAz|G/A/Bc|def|
gTg2|(3f/e/d/ d2|(3e/d/c/ TBA|dFG|(3e/d/c/ TBA|dFG|cTc2|BgG|(3c/B/A/ TA2|G3:|
|:cac|BgB|(3c/B/A/ (GTF)|G3::G/F/G/A/B/c/|def|g/f/g/b/a/g/|(3f/e/d/ d2|e/c/B/A/^G/A/|
d/B/A/=G/F/G/|(3c/f/a/ (3g/f/e/ (3d/c/B/|TBAz|G/F/G/A/B/c/|def|g/f/g/b/a/g/|(3f/e/d/ d2|(3g/f/e/ d^c|
dAd|gf/e/d/^c/|(3d/^c/B/ TBA|GTG2|FAd|(3g/f/e/ T^c2|d3::d/c/BA|^G/A/B/c/d/e/ |=fed|
(3c/B/A/ A2|c/B/A/G/F/E/|D/E/F/G/A/B/|(3c/f/a/ (3g/f/e/ (3d/c/B/|TBAz|G/F/G/A/B/c/|def|gTg2|(3f/e/d/ d2|
e/c/B/A/^G/A/|d/B/A/=G/F/G/|(3e/d/c/ (3d/c/B/ (3c/B/A/|(3d/c/B/ (3A/G/F/ (3G/A/B/|c Tc2|
B/a/g/f/g/G/|(3c/B/A/ TA2|G3::c/f/a>c|B/d/g>B|A/g/Df|gBz:|
STELLA DARLING OF THE MUSES. English, Air (3/8 time). G Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABBCCDD.
"Stella Darling of the Muses" was a mid-18th century song that was printed in a few period songsters, such as George Bickham's Musical Entertainer vol. 1 (1740, p. 67), John Simpson's Caliope: or, English Harmony, vol. 1 (1746, p. 31), and Ritson'sSelect Collection of English Songs(1783). The melody was also included in 18th century instrumental tutors for woodwind instruments.
Additional notes
Printed sources : - John Johnson (The Compleat Tutor for the Hautboy), London, 1750; p. 15. John Johnson (The Compleat Tutor for the German Flute), London, 1760; p. 14. John Simpson (The Compleat Tutor for the Flute), London, 1745); p. 45. David Young (A Collection of Scotch Airs with the latest Variations, AKA - The McFarlane Manuscript), c. 1741; No. 208, p. 250.
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