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Annotation:Bonny Lass to Marry Me (A)

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X:1 T:Bonny Lass to Marry Me,--I suppose. M:C| L:1/8 R:Air Q:"Brisk" B:James Oswald – Caledonian Pocket Companion, Book 4 (1760, p. 21) Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:G G2 BG AGBG|D2 BG AGEA|G2 BG cBAc|BAGE ED D2:| |:dedB AGAB|dgdB AG E2|d(e/f/ g)B TAGAB|GAGE ED D2:| |:GGBG AGBG|DDBG AGEA|GGBG dBAB|GAGE ED D2:| |:dgBg dgBg|egGB AB E2|dgBg egAB|GAGE ED D2:| |:g2 bg agbg|d2 bg agea|gbag ed Bg|GAGE ED D2:| |:TedBg TedBg|TedBG AB E2|edBg TedBA|GAGE ED D2:|]

BONNY LASS TO MARRY ME, A. "Bonny Lass to Me (A)." Scottish, Reel. G Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB. Glen finds this tune first published by Robert Bremner in his 1757 collection, soon afterwards appearing in James Oswald's Caledonian Pocket Companion, Book 4 (1760). It is perhaps also "A Bonny Lad to Marry Me." The melody appears in the music manuscripts of Setauket, Long Island, New York, painter and fiddler William Sidney Mount [1] (1807-1868) on a page with other Scottish tunes such as "Cotter Reel," "Miss Betty Forbes Reel" and "Mrs. Abercrombys of Glupas Reel." The reel was entered into the 1840 music manuscript collection of multi-instrumentalist John Rook, of Waverton, Cumbria, and is also contained in vol. 2 (149) [2]of the large mid-19th century music manuscript collection of County Cork cleric and uilleann piper James_Goodman_. It is considered (by Hugh and Lisa Shields, for example) an ancestral tune to the Irish polka "Breeches On (The)" or "Oh the Britches Full of Stitches." The Shields record that Goodman obtained the tune from a manuscript from Dublin bookseller John O'Daly[3].

Additional notes
Source for notated version : - Browne Family music manuscripts (Wrysedale, Cumbria), in the hand of James Lishman, perhaps c. 1800 [Offord].

Printed sources : - Aird (Selection of Scots, English, Irish and Foreign Airs, vol. II), 1785; No. 23, p. 9. Bremner (A Collection of Scots Reels), 1757; p. 24. O'Farrell (Pocket Companion, vol. IV), 1810; p. 109. John Offord (Bonny Cumberland), 2018; p. 15. Oswald (Caledonian Pocket Companion, Book 4), 1760; p. 21.

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