Annotation:Montgomery's Funeral
X:1 T:Montgomery’s Funeral M:2/4 L:1/8 R:Air Q:”Solemn” B:Edward Riley – “Riley’s Flute Melodies vol. 2” (New York, 1817, No. 103, p. 33) F: Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Dmin d2 (e/d/)(e/^c/)|defz|f2 (g/f/)(g/e/)|.f.g.a z|.b.a .g.f|a3f|(f/e/) (b/a/) (g/f/e/Td/)|(d2^c2)| f3a|c'2 (b/a/)(g/f/)|e3g|b2-a2|^c3 (d/e/)|.f.g. a.b|f2Te2|d3z!fine!|| c'2 (b/a/)(g/^f/)|g2 z2|b2 (a/g/)(f/e/)|e2-f2|d>d (e/d/)(e/^c/)|(d/f/)(e/d/) ^c/e/a/c'/|d'2^g2|!fermata!a4|!D.C.!||
MONTGOMERY'S FUNERAL. American, Air or March (2/4 time). D Minor. Standard tuning (fiddle). ABA. "Montgomery's Funeral" and the preceding tune in Riley's collection, "Montgomery's Slow March," both have a notice of "copyright" above the melody, indicating that they were fairly recently composed and perhaps first printed in Riley's collection. However, the name of the composer does not appear.