Annotation:All Round the Room
X:1 T:All Round the Room S:Stephen Grier manuscript collection (Co. Leitrim, 1883) M:4/4 L:1/8 B:Breathnach & Small - CRE IV (1996, No. 104) K:D D2 FA d2 AF|d2 AF GE E2|D2 FA d2 AF|GBAG FD D2 :| dcdB cdec|dcde fBBc|dcdB cdec|dBAG FD D2| dcdB cdec|dcde fBBd|cAec dABG|FAEG FD D2 ||
ALL ROUND THE ROOM. AKA and see "Shropshire Reel." Irish, Reel (4/4 time). D Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AAB. "All Round the Room" is from the 1883 music manuscript collection of County Leitrim musician Stephen Grier. The first strain is cognate with the second strain of Canon James Goodman's Sporting Days of Easter (4) (The) <div class="mw-ext-score noresize" data-midi="/w/images/lilypond/7/l/7ljmhue1kzj5927ogu8a0tiaw6yf4hv/7ljmhue1.midi"><img src="/w/images/lilypond/7/l/7ljmhue1kzj5927ogu8a0tiaw6yf4hv/7ljmhue1.png" width="612" height="52" alt=" X:1 M:C L:1/8 K:D FDFA d2 FA|d2 AF GE E2|FDFA d2 AB|cBcG E2D2| "></div>Musician and researcher Conor Ward finds both strains cognate with Let's be Gay<div class="mw-ext-score noresize" data-midi="/w/images/lilypond/3/t/3t2bzcuemf9gf1f382dc3exn40pgbia/3t2bzcue.midi"><img src="/w/images/lilypond/3/t/3t2bzcuemf9gf1f382dc3exn40pgbia/3t2bzcue.png" width="611" height="52" alt=" X:1 M:C| L:1/8 K:G G2Bd g2 dB | g2 dB cAFA | G2 Bd g2 dB | cedc BG G2 :| "></div> from Ryan's Mammoth Collection (1883), which itself is a derivative of the Scottish Duke of Perth<div class="mw-ext-score noresize" data-midi="/w/images/lilypond/o/y/oy71c9po8yc8v0fd3kxqe7bx0gaxe8v/oy71c9po.midi"><img src="/w/images/lilypond/o/y/oy71c9po8yc8v0fd3kxqe7bx0gaxe8v/oy71c9po.png" width="697" height="57" alt=" X:1 M:C| L:1/8 K:G B|(G/A/B/c/ d)B gBdB|gBdB aAAB|(G/A/B/c/ d)B dBdB|cAdc BG G:| "></div>