Annotation:Son of a Bear
X: 1 T:Son of a Bear C:Louis Beaudoin S:Donna Hebert: In Full Bloom M:4/4 L:1/8 K:A ac'ea c'eac' | bd'eb d'ebd' | eac'e ac'ec' | befg aeee | ac'ea c'eac' | bd'eb d'ebd' | eac'e ac'ec' | befg a2ee | ac'ea c'eac' | bd'eb d'ebd' | eac'e ac'ec' | befg aedc || |:B3B- BAGB | Aceg a2ea | fedf edce | dBcA BAGF | EB2B BAGB | Aceg a2ea | fedf edce |1 defg aecB :|2 defg aeee |]
SON OF A BEAR. French-Canadian, Reel (cut time). A Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB. In the repertoire of fiddler Louis Beaudoin (1921-1980, Burlington, Vt.). The tune gets its title from the spontaneous exclamation of Louis’s father, upon having been shown by Louis how to shift position on the violin fingerboard to play the high strain.