Devil's Reel (2) (The)
X:1 T:Devil's Reel [2], The M:2/4 L:1/8 R:Reel B:Carol G. Hardebeck – A Collection of Jigs and Reels vol. 1 (Dublin, 1921, pp. 6-7) N:Hardebeck gave the tune this title, as his source (either John Duffy or N:Sean O’Gorman) did not remember it. Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion K:Edor (5e/f/e/d/e/- ed|Bc dB|(AF) (3AGF|(AF) (3AGF|(5G/A/G/F/G/ GA| (5G/A/G/F/G/-(GA)|.B.d .e.f|.g.f .e.d|(5e/f/e/d/e/ e.d|Bc dB|(AD) (3FED| (AD) (3FED|(5E/F/E/D/E/- E.F|(5G/A/G/F/G/- (G.A)|.B.d .e.f|1 e3 d:|2 e3f|| (5g/a/g/f/g/- (ga)|(b.e) (e.g)|(5f/g/f/e/f/- (fg)|.a.f .d.f|(5g/a/g/f/g/- (g.a)|.b.e .e.g| .a.f .d.f|{g}(f.e) (e.f)|(5g/a/g/f/g/- (ga)|(b.e) (e.g)|(5f/g/f/e/f/- (f.g)| .a.f .d.f|(g.b) .a.g|(f.a) .g.f|.e.d .e.f|.g.f .e.d!D.C.!||e4!Fine!||