Annotation:Southern Breeze
X: 0 T:The Southern Breeze R:Air O:Ireland S:O'Neill's 510 M:6/8 L:1/8 K:A d|\ "A"cBA cec|"E"B2B B2d|"A"cBA "D"FEF|"A"A2A A2d|\ "A"cBA cec| "E"BEF GAB|"A"cBA "D"FEF|"A"A2A A2|]\ e|\ "A"a2a agf|e2e e2d| cBA cec|"E"B2B B2e|\ "A"a2a "D"agf|"A"ecf e2d|"A"cBA "E"d2B|"A"A2A A2|]
X: 1 T: South Wind C: Irish M: 3/4 R: waltz K: G dc| "G"B3 A G2| B3 c d2| "D7"A4 AB| A4 dc|"G"B3 A G2| "C"E2 D2 E2| "G"G4 G2| G4:| d2|: "G"g4 g2| "C"g3 f e2| "G"d4 d2| d4 c2|"G"B3 A G2|1 B3 c d2| "D7"A4 AB| A4 d2:|2 "D7"A3 c F2 |"G" G6-|G4|]
This tune is in O'Neill's Music of Ireland as the Southern Breeze, #510, under Airs & Songs