X:1 T:Dol li a M:C L:1/8 R:Air N:"The second set is from '''Topliff's Select Melodies of Northumberland N:and Durham''', published about 18(??) and is most probably the correct one." S:John Bell (1783-1864) music manuscript collection (Northumberland, c. 1812) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:Gmin G2 AB cA G2|Bc d2 Bcd|G2 AB cA G2|Bc d2G4| e2 dc dB G2|B2dz B2dz|e2 dc dB G2|Bcd^F G4||
X:1 T:Dol-li-a M:C L:1/8 R:Air B:Bruce & Stokoe - Northumbrian Minstrelsy (1882) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:Gmin GG AB cA G2|(Bc) d2 (Bc) d2|G2 AB cA G2|(Bc) d2 G4:| E2 dc dB G2|B2 dz B2dz|e2 dc dB G2|(Bc) (d^F) G4||
X:1 T:Dol li a M:C L:1/8 R:Air N:Bell's first air S:John Bell (1783-1864) music manuscript collection (Northumberland, c. 1812) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:Emin c2 Ac Bd D2|G2B2G2B2|c2 Ac Bd D2|G2B2 E4:| |:c2e2A4|B2d2G4|A2c2F4|G2B2 [E4e4]||