St. Anne's Reel
X:1 T:St. Anne's Reel M:C| L:1/8 N:From an August 1, 1966, field recording of the playing of Fidel N:Martin (1891-1976) of Berlin N.H., originally from Rogersville, NB, recorded N:by folklorist Art Rosenbaum. Martin, a WWI veteran, had a varied repertory that N:consisted of "Down East", Acadian, Irish, American and French-Canadian tunes. D: F:UGA Brown Media Archives: identifier artrosen_00180 (Track 16 -12:04 of the tape) Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:D V:1 clef=treble name="0." [V:1] Ad|fdf-g {fg}f-edz|AFAA AFAd|BGBB BG(Bd/B/)|AAAF DFAd| Jf3f {g}fedB|AFAA AFAd|BGBB cABc|dfec (d/c/d)Ad| ff2f {g}fedB|AFAA AFAd|BGBB BG(Bd/B/)|AAAF DFAd| Jf3f {g}fedB|AAAF DFAd|BGBB cABc|dfef (d/c/d)|| ag|fdff fdfa|gggf (g/f/g)gf|eceg eceg|baa^g (a/g/a)-aa| fdfa fdfa|gggf (g/f/g)gg|eccB Aceg|(f/g/f)ec d2Ag| fdfa fdfa|gggf (g/f/g)gg|eceg eceg|baa^g a3a| fdfa fdfa|gggf (g/f/g){f}gf|ecec Acee|fdec .d2||
T:St. Anne’s Reel
T:as played by Fidel Martin, 1966-08-01
S:Fidel Martin
%alternatively, it could be in 4/2 with the following. (That lets us use the swing feature in Michael Eskin's tool but is less to my taste.)
N:1. I think this was played on a violin tuned one whole tone down.
N: So the top three strings are DGC. Maybe the last one is an F?
N:2. Notated in 4/4, with semiquavers (aka quarter notes) as the basic unit,
N:as that’s the way I generally prefer writing reels these days.
N:3. For the ornaments and phrasing, this is just a rough outline. It’s best
N:of course to refer to the original recording.
N:4. It’s interesting to compare this transcription with from A. Kuntz’s
N:one, as both are based on the same recording. Apart from the differences
N:in key signature and meter, there are only a few other significant
N:5. (The following notes are copied from A. Kuntz.)
N:From an August 1, 1966, field recording of the playing of Fidel
N:Martin (1891-1976) of Berlin N.H., originally from Rogersville, NB, recorded
N:by folklorist Art Rosenbaum. Martin, a WWI veteran, had a varied repertory that
N:consisted of "Down East", Acadian, Irish, American and French-Canadian tunes.
Z:abc-transcription Malcolm Schonfield (using A. Kuntz’s transcription
Z:as a starting point)%2024-06-19, 20, 25, 26
Z:abc-copyright CC BY-NC 2.0 (
%abcjs_soundfont fluid
%%MIDI program 40
K:C %_/g =G %K:C _/B
V:1 clef=treble name="1."
[V:1] [P:A]Gc|ece>f ed.c2 GEGG GEGc|AFAA AF(AB/A/) GGGE CEGc|
!slide!e3e {f}edcA GEGG GEGc|AFAA BGAB cedB c2Gc|
e"<("e">)"ee {f}edcA GEGG GEGc|AFAA AF(AB/A/) GGGE CEGc|
e3e {f}edcA GGGE CEGB|AFAA BGAB cedB .c2
G2|ecee eceg fffe f3f|d_/Bdf dBdf aggf {gf}g3g|
eceg eceg f2fe {fe}f3f|dBBA GBdf {ef}e2dB c2gf &\
eceg eceg f2fe {fe}f3f|dBdf dBdf &\
x2G2 x2"<("">)"G2 [|] aggf g3g |
eceg eceg {fe}f2{ef}e2 &\
x2G2 G2G2 x2"<("">)"G2 [|] f2fe | dBdB GBdd ecdB .c2 &\
x2G2 x2GG x2G2x2[|]
[P:A (second time)]Gc|ecef edcA [|] GEGG GEGc &\
x2CCCx C2|AFAA AF(AB/A/) &\
x2CCCx C2[|] GGGE CEGc|
e3e {f}edcA GEGG GEGB &\
x3G2 x3 Cx C2 x2C2 | AFAA BGAB &\
x2CC "_ poco rall."x2C2 [|] cedB .!>!c2|]
T:St. Anne's Reel
S:An archival field recording of Acadian fiddler Andre' 'a Toto Savoie
S:(1941-2014), c. 1970's-80's, via Seattle fiddler Devon Leger.
N:Devon instructs that Savoie would play 4th finger notes a bit flat
N:(microtone), and Devon slides into the slightly flattened 'b' notes
N:in the second strain.
Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion
V:1 clef=treble name="2."
[V:1] Ad|f2 fg fedB|"*"AFdF Adzd|BGdG Bdzd|AFdF Adzd|
f2 fg fedB|AFdF FdFd|BGBd cAce|dfec- d2:|
|:d2|aAfA aAfa|zaJbf afga|gfec acea|zabf afaa|
agfA aAfa|zaJbf afga|gfec acAc| ea (3fgf ec d2:|
"*"AFdF FdFd|BGdG GdGd|AFdF FdFd||
T:St. Anne's Reel
S:Jay Ungar (Hudson Valley, New York, 1980)
Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion
V:1 clef=treble name="3."
[V:1] de|f2 (fg) fedB|A2 F2 F3 A|B2G2G2 (FG)|B2A2A2 a2|
f2 (fg) fedB|A2 FA DFAd|(BG)Bd (cA)cd|(e d2 )e d2:|
|:ag|fdf(a fd)fg|ag2(a g2)(gf)|e(dcB) Ace^g|ba2b a2 (ag)|
fdf(a fd)fg|ag2(a g2) (gf)|e(dcB) Aceg|f d3 d2:||
T:Saint Anne's Reel
S:Kilkenny Tavern sessions, London
N:A French Canadian reel first published in 1937,
N:perhaps developed out of an Irish original such
N:as 'The Factory Lass' in O'Neill's Waifs & Strays,
N:No. 232, which he picked up at a Gaelic Park
N:concert in Chicago in 1922.
V:1 clef=treble name="4."
[V:1] de|:fedf edcB|A2FA DAFA|B2GB EBGB|A2FA DAFA|
|fedf edcB|A2FA DAFA|Beed cABc|eddc d2de:|]
|f2fg fedc|Bggf ~g3f|edcB ABce|baa^g ~a3=g|
|f2fg fedc|Bggf ~g3f|edcB Aceg|[1 fdec d2de:|][2 fdec d2|]