X:1 T:Donald M:C L:1/8 R:Air O:Irish B:Mulhollan - Selection of Irish and Scots Tunes (Edinburgh, 1804, p. 48) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:Bb (B>c)|{B}d3 (c/B/A) {c}B3F|(AG)(FE) (E<D) zF|D<F (Bc) {Bc}d2 (cB)|(B2c2) z2 B>c| {B}d3 (c/B/A/) {c}B3 F|(AG)(FE) (E<D) zF|(D>F) (Bd) (f<d){d}(c>d)|{c}B4 {(3Bcd} !fermata!{cB}z2|| zd|{d}f2 (ed) (d<c)(c>e)|(d<B)(G>e) (d>e/2f/4) cd|{f}e3d (d/c/e/d/cB)|(B2c2) z2 B>c| {B}d2 (c/B/A/) {c}B3F|(AG)(FE) (E<D) zF|(D<F) (Bd) (f<d){d}~c>d|{c}B4 {3Bcd} !fermata!{dc}z2||
DONALD. AKA - "From thee Eliza I must go (2)." AKA and see "Domhnall." Scottish, Air (whole time). B Flat Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AB. See versions under the Gaelic version of the title, "Domhnall." Thomas Moore used the air for his song "From thee Eliza I must go", printed in Irish Melodies vol. 4 (Song 5, 1812).