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Annotation:Alewoman (The)

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X:1 T:Bean an Leana T:Alehouse Woman, The M:3/4 L:1/8 R:Air S:James Goodman music manuscript collection (mid-19th cent., County Cork, p. 76) F:http://goodman.itma.ie/volume-one#?c=0&m=0&s=0&cv=79&z=1295.4939%2C1062.3184%2C7374.2874%2C4466.6667 F:at Trinity College Dublin / Irish Traditional Music Archive goodman.itma.ie Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:G Bd|(ef) g>f ef|de cd cB|A2 Ac BG|A2A2 Bd| ef g>f ef|de cd cA|G2 GB AF|G4|| AG|F2G2 AB|cA dc AG|A2 Ac BG|A4 AG| F2G2 AB|cA dc AF|G2 GB AF|G4 AG| F2G2 AB|cA dc AG|A2 Ac BG|A4 Bd| ef g>f ef|de cd cA|G2 GB AF|G4||

ALEWOMAN, THE (Bean an Leanna). AKA - "Alehouse Woman." Irish, Air (3/4 time). G Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AB. See also versions as "Ale Woman (The)/Banalanna" (the latter is a phonetic version of the Irish bean a' leanna). Paul de Grae points out the tunes become almost exactly alike if transposed to the same key.

Additional notes
Source for notated version : - The mid-19th century music manuscript collection of uilleann piper and Church of Ireland cleric James Goodman [Shields].

Printed sources : - O'Neill (Music of Ireland), 1903; No. 216. Hugh Shields (Tunes of the Munster Pipers vol. 1), 1999; No. 150, p. 64.

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