Annotation:Bill the Weaver's Jig (1)
BILL THE WEAVER('S JIG) [1]. AKA and see "Munster Seanchaí," "Seanchaí Muimhneach (An)." Irish, Jig (6/8 time). Ireland, Slibah Luachra region of the Cork-Kerry border. E Dorian. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABBCC. The tune is named for the father of the famous Sliabh Luachra fiddlers Denis Murphy and Julia Clifford, Bill Murphy. The entire Murphy family, who lived in Lisheen near Gneeveguilla, was known as "The Weavers" because Bill's father was a linen weaver, and the name stuck through the generations. Even Denis Murphy was known as 'Denis the Waiver', and sometimes got letter addressed to him as Denis Weaver (Donal Hickey, 1999). Hickey took the title of his book on Sliabh Luachra musicians from a quote from Julia Murphy, who, talking about her father, said he was "stone mad for music." Bill played several instruments and was even a leading member of the Lisheen fife and drum band. Paul de Grae tells the story of Seamus Ennis recording Denis Murphy at home in Sliabh Luachra:
Denis's father Bill ("The Weaver") had been a noted fife player in his youth, and had reverted to the tin whistle in later life when his teeth fell out. After a while Seamus, out of politeness, asked Bill would he play a tune. "God forgive me, I will", said Bill, reaching into an alcove to produce a venerable old whistle, all covered in dust and cobwebs. Seamus started to brush off the whistle for him but Bill cried "Stop, stop, leave it alone--'twill make the music sweeter!"