Annotation:Dance for ye Peace (The)

Sheet Music for "The Dance for ye Peace"The Dance for ye Peace= 105Source: D.Wright, Extraordinary Collection, London 1713Transcription: Pete Stewart, 2004 <>

DANCE FOR YE PEACE, THE. English, Country Dance (4/4 and 3/4 time). A Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). ABCD. The title perhaps refers to the Peace of Utrecht, is a series of individual peace treaties, rather than a single document, signed by the belligerents in the War of the Spanish Succession, in the Dutch city of Utrecht in March and April, 1713. The treaties between several European states, including Spain, Great Britain, France, Portugal, Savoy and the Dutch Republic, helped end the war. The tune appears in dancing master Daniel Wright's An Extraordinary Collection of Pleasant and merry Humour's never before Published, Containing Hornpipes, Jiggs, North Cuntry Frisks', Morris's, Bagpipe Hornpipe's, & Round's with Severall Additonal fancis added. fit for all those that play Publick (c. 1713).

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Printed sources : - Daniel Wright (An Extraordinary Collection of Pleasant and Merry Humours), c. 1713; No. 59.

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