Annotation:Jaques Lutin ou l'Angloise

Sheet Music for "Jaques Lutin ou l'Angloise"Jaques Lutin ou l'AngloiseJacky LatinJackie LaytonSource: Daubat - Cent Contredanses en Rond (1757), No. 21Transcription: AK/Fiddler's Companion

JAQUES LUTIN OU l'ANGLOISE. AKA and see "Jackie Layton." French, Country Dance (2/4 time). A Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABBCCDD. An early printing of the Irish tune "Jackie Layton" or "Jacky Latin." From the contradance book (tunes with dance instructions) of Robert Daubat (who styled himself Robert d'Aubat de Saint-Flour), born in Saint-Flour, Cantal, France, in 1714, dying in Gent, Belgium, in 1782. According to Belgian fiddler Luc De Cat, at the time of the publication of his collection (1757) Daubat was a dancing master in Gent and taught at several schools and theaters. He also was the leader of a choir and was a violin player in a theater. Mr. De Cat identifies a list of subscribers of the original publication, numbering 132 individuals, of the higher level of society and the nobility, but also including musicians and dance-masters (including the ballet-master from the Italian opera in London). Many of the tunes are written with parts for various instruments, and include a numbered bass.

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Printed sources : - Daubat (Cent Contredanses en Rond), 1757; No. 21.

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