T:Mrs. O'Connor of Balynagar
T:Mrs. O'Conor [2]
B: John Lee – “A Favourite Collection of the so much admired old
B:Irish Tunes, the original and genuine compositions of Carolan”
B:(Dublin, 1780, p. 19)
Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion
d2g2[d2g2][d2a2]|fd c/B/A/G/ Bcdf|g/f/g/a/ b2 ag Tfd|d'2 c'b c'bag|
f4 ga b2|d2c2B2G2|B/c/d/e/ fe/f/ gf d/c/B/G/|FBfd TB2G2|G8||
d4 TB2G2|F2D2F2B2|G2G2 TB2c2|d2 c2B2 AG|G2g2 {g}f2 g2|d2 cB [E4G4c4]|
df g2 ga|ba/g/|f2d2 fefg|d2c2B2 GF|D2 EF F4|g2 fe TB2G2|G8||
V:2 clef = bass
B,,2_E,2 _E4|D4 D,4|B,,2A,,2G,,4|B,,4C,4|G,,2B,,2D,2D,,2|G,,8||
Additional notes
Source for notated version : - John Lee, A Favourite Collection of so much admired old Irish airs, the genuine and original compositions of Carolan, the celebrated Irish Bard (Dublin, 1780) [O'Sullivan].
Printed sources : - Broderip & Wilkinson (A Favourite Collection of the so much Admired old Irish Tunes, the Original & Genuine Compositions of Carolan the Celebrated Irish Bard), London, c. 1804; No. 48 p. 19. Complete Collection of Carolan's Irish Tunes, 1984; No. 124, p. 90. John Lee (A Favourite Collection of the so much admired old Irish Tunes, the original and genuine compositions of Carolan), Dublin, 1780; p. 19. O'Sullivan (Carolan: The Life, Times and Music of an Irish Harper), 1958; No. 124, p. 168.
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