Annotation:Northern Lass (3) (The)

Sheet Music for "The Northern Lass [3]"The Northern Lass [3]Reel (England)North-West

NORTHERN LASS [3], THE. English, Country Dance Tune (4/4 time). G Minor. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABBCCDD. No relation to either "Northern Lass [1]" or [2]. The melody was published in the sixth and seventh editions of Apollo's Banquet [1] (1690 and 1693) by English music publisher wikipedia:Henry_Playford (1657 – c. 1707), the younger son and only known surviving child of John Playford.

Additional notes
Source for notated version : - Playford's Apollo's Banquet (1690 edition) [Knowles].

Printed sources : - Knowles (A Northern Lass), 1995; p. 43. Offord (John of the Green: Ye Cheshire Way), 1985; p. 110.

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