T:Rover through the Bogs, The
B:Martin Mulvihill – 1st Collection (1976)
Z:AK/Fiddler’s Companion
(3DEF|G2 (BG) ABcA|defd {a}gfdc|{c}BGBd c2 AF|G2 (3AGF DEFD|
G2 BG ABcA|defd {a}gfdc|{c}BGBd (3cdc AF|G2 (3AGF G2:|
|:(Bd)|{a}gfga gfdf|gabg {b}afde|fd (3efg (af){a}ge|fd (3edc {e}dcAF|
G2 (BG) ABcA|defd (gf)dc|{c}BGBd (3cdc AF|G2 (3AGF G2:||
ROVER THROUGH THE BOGS, THE. AKA and see "Bealltaine," "Broadway (The)," “Butchers of Bristol (2) (The),” "Dinny O'Brien's Hornpipe," “Geary's Hornpipe,” “May Day (2),” "Mountain Bird (The)," “Mullingar Races (2)," "Phil Durkin's Favorite," "Shaskeen (The)," “Taylor's Hornpipe.” Irish, Hornpipe (whole time). G Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AABB. The group Patrick Street recorded the tune under the title “Raven through the Bog.” “Mullingar Races” is a related melody.
Additional notes
Source for notated version : - Ann Sheehy (Castleisland, County Kerry) [Mulvihill].
Printed sources : - Cotter (Traditional Irish Tin Whistle Tutor), 1989; No. 61, p. 77. Paul Deloughery (Sliabh Luachra on Parade), 1988; No. 158. Mulvihill (1st Collection), 1986; No. 42, p. 101.
See also listing at :
Alan Ng's Irishtune.info [1]
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