Annotation:Tuque Carreautée (La)
X:1 T:Tuque Carreauté, La N:"The Plaid Cap" C:Daniel Lemieux M:C| L:1/8 S:Éric Favreau - "Musique traditionelle québécoise" (199?) S:From the playing of Éric Favreau Z:Transcribed by Andrew Kuntz K:F |:Sfedc AF[Fc]F |DF[Fc]F DFAc|fedc AF[Fc]F |DF[F2c2] (A>B)-B2B| {c}BAGA A[DB][DB]([DB]|1{c}[DB])AGA (A>[DB])-[DB][DB]|{c}[DB]AGB- AGFD|Gc=Bd c2de:| |2{c}[DB])AGB- AGFD|[M:6/4]GFEG F4 f2 {g}fe||:[M:C|]d2 Bd fgfd|{cd}ccAc [cf]cAc| {Bc}BAGB- AG-^FF|G^FGA BBAB|AFAc ff{g}fe|d2 Bd fgfd| {cd}ccAc [cf]c[cf]c|Ac[cg]c agag|1fage f2 {g}fe:|2 [M:2/4]fageS||
TUQUE CARREAUTÉE, LA (The Plaid Tuque/Cap). French-Canadian, Reel. F Major. Standard tuning (fiddle). AA’BB’. A ‘crooked’ tune composed in the late 1980's by fiddler Daniel Lemieux (originally from Mont-Louis on the Gaspé peninsula), then with the group Manigance. The title is a play on (and extension of) the tune titles “La Tuque Rouge” and “La Tuque Bleue.”