Annotation:Under the Greenwood Tree (1)

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X:1 T:Under the Greenwood Tree [1] M:C| L:1/8 B:Playford - Dancing Master, Supplement to the 6th edition (1676) Z:AK/Fiddler's Companion K:D a2a2a3g|f3ed2 ef|e3A B3c|1 d8:|2 d6||:d2|c2B2c2d2|efec A3f| e2d2e2f2|g6a2|f>e d2e2A2|f>e f2g2f2|e>d c2B3A|1 A6:|2 A8||: M:6/4 L:1/8 fg|a4a2 a4g2|fg a2f2d2f2d2|e2c2A2B4c2|(d6d4):||:d2| c4B2c4d2|e3fe2A4e2|f3ed2e4f2|(g6g4)a2|f3e d2 e4 A2| f3ed2g4f2|e3dc2B4A2|(A6A4)::a4a2a4g2|f4e2d3ef2| e4A2B4^c2|1 d12:|2 (d6d4)||:d2|c4B2c4c2|e3f e2A4f2|e4d2e4f2| (g6g4)a2|f3ed2e4A2|f3ef2g4f2|e3dc2B4A2|1 (A6A4):|2 A12||

UNDER THE GREENWOOD TREE. English, Air (6/4 or 6/8 time). D Major (Oswald). Standard tuning (fiddle). AABBCCDD (Oswald). The melody and country dance instructions were printed in John Playford's Dancing Master, supplement to the 6th edition (1679), and were retained in the long-running series through the 18th and final edition of 1728. The tune was also printed in London by John Walsh. A number of early 18th century ballad operas employed it as a vehicle for songs, and it can be heard in The Devil to Pay (1731), The Jovial Crew (1731), Henry Potter's The Decoy (1733), Lacy Ryan's The Cobler's Opera (1729), Ebenezer Forrest's Momus Turn'd Fabulist, or Vulcan's Wedding (1729) and several others.

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Printed sources : - Oswald (Caledonian Pocket Companion, Book 11), 1760; p. 126.

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