Bath House Blues
BATH HOUSE BLUES. Old-Time, Country Blues. USA, Arkansas. C Major. Standard tuning. AA'BB'. Composed by Anson Fuller and Homer Treat. Fuller (c. 1907-1936) was one of the two fiddlers who played for the group Ashley's Melody Men, an ensemble put together by Hobart Ashley of Marshall, Arkansas. They recorded several sides in the late 1920's and early 1930's in both Dallas and Memphis.
Source for notated version: Anson Fuller [Beisswenger & McCann].
Printed sources: Beisswenger & McCann (Ozarks Fiddle Music), 2008; p. 185.
Recorded sources: Victor Vi V-40158 (78 RPM), Ashley's Melody Men. County Records CO-CD-3506, "Echoes of the Ozarks, vol. 1" (1995). Marimac 9006, Major Contay & Canebrake Rattlers - "When the Yankees Came Down."